[M1258-01] Mag-Bind® Ultra Pure Plasmid DNA 96 Kit 요약정보 및 구매

4 x 96 Preps

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 2 개

제조사 Omega bio-tek (U.S.A)
납기일 1-2 주
판매가격 0원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)


선택된 옵션

  • [M1258-01] Mag-Bind® Ultra Pure Plasmid DNA 96 Kit (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

4 x 96 Preps

상품 상세설명



The Mag-Bind® family of products is an innovative system that radically simplifies extraction and purification of nucleic acids from a variety of sources. Key to the system is Omega Bio-tek’s proprietary Mag-Bind® Particle that avidly, but reversibly, binds DNA or RNA under certain optimal conditions allowing proteins and other contaminants to be removed. Nucleic acids are easily eluted with deionized water or low salt buffer.

The Mag-Bind® Ultra Pure Plasmid DNA 96 Kit combines the power of Mag-Bind® technology with the innovative ETR technology (Endo-toxin removal) to deliver high-quality endotoxin-free plasmid DNA in high throughput format. Yields vary according to plasmid copy number, E.coli strain, and conditions of growth, 1 mL of overnight culture in LB medium typically produces 10-15 μg for high-copy plasmid. The purified plasmid can be used directly for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, such as with BigDye® sequencing chemistry, transfection as well as for other standard molecular biology techniques including restriction enzyme digestion.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 

Downstream ApplicationSensitive cell line transfection; cloning; sanger sequencing etc.
Starting materialPer well: 1.0-1.5 mL LB culture with OD600 between 2 and 3; or equivalent
Plasmid typeHigh-copy, low-copy, cosmid DNA
Processing modeAutomated, Magnetic processing
Throughput96 samples per run
DNA binding technologyMagnetic beads
Lysate clearance methodCentrifugation, Magnetic Beads or 96-well Filter Plate
Yield10-15 μg for high copy-number plasmid

Kit Components


Mag-Bind® Particles RQCall for Pricing
Solution IView Product
Solution IIView Product
SLX-Mlus BufferView Product
ETR Binding BufferView Product
ETR Wash BufferView Product
VHB BufferView Product
SPM Wash BufferView Product
Elution BufferView Product
RNase AView Product


Product Data

Plasmid DNA purified using the Mag-Bind® Ultra Pure Plasmid Kit was of high quality and yield

Figure 1.  9 samples of 1 mL E. Coli culture transformed with pGEM vector were purified using the Mag-Bind® Ultra Pure Plasmid Kit. The elution volume was 100 µL. The DNA concentration was measured with Nanodrop 2000c. 

Super Coiled Plasmid DNA

Figure 2.  1 mL DH5α cultures transformed with pGEM vector were isolated according to the standard protocol. 5 µL eluate plasmid DNA was analyzed on a 1% Agarose gel. 

Sanger Sequencing

Figure 3.  Plasmid DNA purified with Mag-Bind Ultra-Pure Plasmid DNA Kit was used in a 5 µL Sanger sequencing reaction. DNA was analyzed on an Applied Biosystems 3730XL. 

Endotoxin Level

Figure 4.  Endotoxins in plasmid DNA preps. Plasmid DNA was isolated from 0.8 mL LB cultures following each manufacturer’s recommended protocols. Endotoxin levels were determined with Thermo Scientific’s Pierce LAL Chromogenic Endotoxin Quantitation Kit. 



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