[E-CM-GF09] Focudex G-25 Medium 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Elabscience
납기일 1-2 주
판매가격 0원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • [E-CM-GF09] Focudex G-25 Medium (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명

Product introduction

G-25 (medium) can be used to purify biological molecules of different molecular weight, which is based on the different crosslinking degree of media, and particle diameter and pore size after swelling. It is mainly applied in sample desalting, buffer exchange and removal of small molecular impurities.



1. Easy operation: it can be connected with an injector or a pump, but also can be operated as a gravity column.

2. Quick: the operation can be finished within 5~25 min.

3. Significant effect: desalination rate >98%.

4. High recovery rate: the recovery rate of protein is more than 85%-95%.

5. Easy to be implemented: multiple series and other large size chromatography columns can be loaded according to requirements.


Performance index



Particle size range (dry powder)

45-165 µm

Particle size range (wet gel)

100-300 µm

Swelling degree

4-6 mL/g

Exclusion limit (Mr)

5×103 Globular proteins

pH stability


Void volume


Loading amount (volume)


Chemical stability

All common buffers

Flow rate

 1 mL/min~15 mL/min (5 mL media)


0.3 MPa

Storage buffer

20% Ethanol (for swelling media)

Storage temperature


Application example

Example 1:


Note: The Example 1 shows that the retention time of the target sample varies with the volume of the sample. 

Relevant data on the application effects of Example 1.

Sample volume (mL)

Collection volume (mL)

Dilution ratio

Desalination rate*

Recovery rate**

















* The effect of desalination mainly depends on the time period of sample collection and the volume of the sample.

**The recovery rate mainly depends on the property of sample, the time period of the sample collection and the measurement error (when the sample concentration is too low, the measurement error is greater).


Example 2:


Note: Example 1 and Example 2 show that the retention time and concentration of the target sample are not affected by the flow rate.

Example 3:


Note: Example 3 shows that the change of flow rate (within the flow rate range that the medium can tolerate) will not affect the concentration, recovery rate and dilution ratio of the target sample, and will slightly affect the desalination rate. 


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  • ㈜셀젠바이오테크, 대표자명: 김성빈, 사업자등록번호: 344-08-00018, 통신판매업종 제 2017-대전유성-0220 호
  • 대전광역시 대덕구 대화로69, 3층(대화동)
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