[E-CM-AF07] Ni Focurose 6FF (IMAC) 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Elabscience
납기일 1-2 주
판매가격 0원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • [E-CM-AF07] Ni Focurose 6FF (IMAC) (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명

Product introduction

Ni-6FF(IMAC) can be used for separation and purification with the interactions between Ni2+and some amino acids (mainly include histidine, cysteine, tryptophan) on the side chain of protein, and it is suitable for separation and purification of His-tagged protein and biological molecules which interact with Ni2+.



1. Quick and easy (one-step purification).

2. Wide application, simple-operation. Suitable for gravity column and prepacked column.

3. Lower Ni2+ abscission probability and wider compatibility with reagents when compared with Ni-6FF(IDA).


Performance index


Highly cross-linked with 6% agarose

Particle size range

45-165 µm

Average particle size

90 µm

Binding capacity

45 mg (His-tagged protein)/mL (media)

pH stability*

3-12 (long-term)

2-14 (short term)

Chemical stability*

0.01M HCl, 0.01M NaOH (1 week)

1MNaOH, 70% Ethanol (12 hours)

2% SDS (1 hour)

30% Isopropyl alcohol (30 minutes) 

Flow rate

 300-600 cm/h

(0.3MPa, XK16/40. Column bed height:30 cm)


 0.3 MPa

Storage buffer

20% Ethanol

Storage temperature


*: The stability of media when unchelated with metal ions.



Compatibility with common reagents


0.05M sodium phosphate, pH 7.4

0.1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.4

0.1M Tris-acetate, pH 7.4

0.1M HEPES, pH 7.4

0.1M MOPS, pH 7.4

0.1M sodium acetate, pH 4


8M Urea

6M Gua-HCl


2% Triton X-100

2% Tween 20

2% NP-40

2% Cholate



0.005M DTE

0.005M DTT

0.02M β-mercaptoethanol

0.005M TCEP

0.01M reduced glutathione 

Other additives

0.5M Imidazole

20% Ethanol

50% Glycerol

0.1M Na2SO4

1.5M NaCl

0.001M EDTA** 

0.06M Citrate

* During the operation with Ni-6FF(IMAC), it is allowed to add low concentration of reductant, but it must be avoided of being immersed or stored for a long time with solution with reductant.

** During the operation with Ni-6FF(IMAC), it is allowed to add nominal concentration of metal ions chelating agent (e.g. 0.0001M EDTA) into samples of small volume, but it must be avoided of adding or loading a large volume of samples containing chelating agent into the purified solution.

Application examples

Example 1:




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  • ㈜셀젠바이오테크, 대표자명: 김성빈, 사업자등록번호: 344-08-00018, 통신판매업종 제 2017-대전유성-0220 호
  • 대전광역시 대덕구 대화로69, 3층(대화동)
  • 대표전화: 042-824-9026 팩스: 042-824-9027
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