[E-BC-K034-S] Vitamin C (VC) Colorimetric Assay Kit 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Elabscience
납기일 1-2 주
판매가격 280,000원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • [E-BC-K034-S] Vitamin C (VC) Colorimetric Assay Kit (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


상품 상세설명


General information

Detection significance

Vitamin C (VC) is involved in the synthesis of collagen in the body. The deficiency of VC will result in impaired wound healing and increased vascular fragility. VC is a strong reducing agent, which can reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ and promote the iron absorption in intestinal. VC can be used as scavenger of free radical and it can remove O2- and OH-. Therefore, VC can protect the body from the damage of endogenous oxygen free radicals, and can reduce the α2-tocopherol free radicals to vitamin E. VC is the most effective antioxidant in organism.

Detection principle

The most obvious chemical activity of VC is that reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+, then promote iron absorption in the intestine, promote the storage and utilization of iron. Fe3+ react immediately with reducing ascorbic acid to form Fe2+ .then Fe2+ react with phenanthroline and the color developing reaction occurs. The content of vitamin C in plasma can be determined. Measure the OD value and calculate the VC content indirectly.

Operation procedures

Operation steps

1.    Blank well: add 0.4 mL of Reagent 1 application solution to the 5 mL EP tube.

Standard well: add 0.4 mL of 6 μg/mL standard solution to the 5 mL EP tube.

Sample well: add 0.4 mL of the upper clear liquid in sample preparation step to the 5 mL EP tube.  

2.    Add 0.5 mL of Reagent 2, 1 mL of Reagent 3 application solution and 0.25 mL of Reagent 4 application solution.

3.    Mix fully with a vortex mixer and incubate at 37℃ water bath for 30 min.

4.    Add 0.1 mL of Reagent 5 and mix fully with a vortex mixer.

5.    Stand for 10 min at room temperature. Set the spectrophotometer to zero with double-distilled water and measure the OD values of each tube at 536 nm with 1 cm optical path cuvette.

Operation table



Blank tube

Standard tube

Sample tube

Reagent 1 application solution (mL)




6 μg/mL standard solution (mL)




The upper clear liquid (mL)




Reagent 2 (mL)

0. 5



Reagent 3 application solution (mL)




Reagent 4 application solution (mL)




Mix fully and incubate at 37 water bath for 30 min.

Reagent 5 (mL)




Mix fully and stand for 10 min at room temperature. Set the spectrophotometer to zero with double-distilled water and measure the OD values of each tube at 536 nm with 1 cm optical path cuvette.

Performance characteristics

Technical parameter

Detection range0.35-20 μg/mLAverage inter-assay CV3.3%
Sensitivity0.35 μg/mLAverage intra-assay CV2.3%
Average recovery rate104%  



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::: 교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우:::

-상품을 공급 받으신 날로부터 7일 이내

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-공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시, 광고 내용과 다르거나 다르게 이행된 경우

:::교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우:::

-하자가 없는 상품을 택배사로부터 인도 받으신 날로부터 20일 이후.
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우.
- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 주문 당시 해외 발주 상품의 경우

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  • ㈜셀젠바이오테크, 대표자명: 김성빈, 사업자등록번호: 344-08-00018, 통신판매업종 제 2017-대전유성-0220 호
  • 대전광역시 대덕구 대화로69, 3층(대화동)
  • 대표전화: 042-824-9026 팩스: 042-824-9027
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