VWR Multiwell cell culture plates, Non Treated, VWR 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 VWR
납기일 3-4일
판매가격 196,900원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • VWR Multiwell cell culture plates, Non Treated, VWR (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®


734-2799EA 385760 KRW

734-2799 734-2778 734-2801 732-2907 734-2802 734-2326 734-2323 734-2800 734-2325 734-2779 734-2888 734-2798 734-2777 734-2780 734-2803 734-2782 734-2324 734-2327 732-2906 732-2904 734-2781 732-2905 734-2328

Multiwell cell culture plates, VWR®

Microplates Cell Culture Plates Standard Plates

VWR multiwell cell culture plates are available with a choice of surface treatments.

  • Uniform well volume ensures an equal growth surface area
  • Well surface is smooth and free from striation to maximise usable growth area
  • Raised rims on wells with uniform rings on the lid to reduce evaporation
  • Single-position lid reduces the risk of cross-contamination and handling mistakes
  • Wells are labelled with alphanumeric code for easy identification
  • Suitable for use with all common instruments and automation
  • Sterilised by electron beam irradiation
  • Free from DNase and RNase, and non pyrogenic

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VWR multiwell cell culture plates are available with a choice of surface treatments.

  • Uniform well volume ensures an equal growth surface area
  • Well surface is smooth and free from striation to maximise usable growth area
  • Raised rims on wells with uniform rings on the lid to reduce evaporation
  • Single-position lid reduces the risk of cross-contamination and handling mistakes
  • Wells are labelled with alphanumeric code for easy identification
  • Suitable for use with all common instruments and automation
  • Sterilised by electron beam irradiation
  • Free from DNase and RNase, and non pyrogenic

Increased cell attachment surface treatment: This highly hydrophilic surface offers a significant advantage over the traditional cell culture surface. The surface treatment can improve cell spreading and attachment, and is suitable for cells that may adhere poorly due to cell phenotype, stressful culture conditions, or those which normally require additional biological coatings for attachment.

TC-treated: These plates are vacuum-gas plasma-treated for consistent cell attachment and growth.

Non treated: Non treated cell and tissue culture plates are ideal for applications where cell attachment is not desired.

Culture area = cm² per well.

증명: ISO 13485:2003, ISO 9001:2008

포장: Individually wrapped in peel-to-open paper/plastic blister packs.

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  • 대전광역시 대덕구 대화로69, 3층(대화동)
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