Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD and Thermowell 8-well PCR Tube Strips 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Corning
납기일 3-4일
판매가격 440,000원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD and Thermowell 8-well PCR Tube Strips (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD and Thermowell 8-well PCR Tube Strips

Tube strips consist of eight 0.2 mL thin wall polypropylene tubes connected together. Dual connectors between adjacent tubes eliminate inadvertent breakage during sample handling. Tube strips are designed for precise fit in thermal cyclers to optimize heat transfer. Thermowell GOLD cap strips are sold separately from Thermowell GOLD tube strips. Original Thermowell tube strips and cap strips are packaged together. Tube strips are RNase-/DNase-free, and are autoclavable at 121°C.

Cat. No. 6547 has 60 of each color per bag; 1 bag of each color per case.

Cat. No. 3742 is designed for real-time PCR. Suitable for use with Thermowell GOLD 0.2 mL 1 x 8 PCR tube strips and 96-well microplates.

Choose your specification

Strip Form


Strip Type


Product NumberProduct NameQty./PkQty./CsBrandPriceUnit Size 
3740Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD 0.2 mL Polypropylene PCR Tubes, 8-well Strips, Assorted Colors125 / Pk1250 / CsCorning®3.54per case 
3741Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD 0.2 mL Polypropylene PCR Tubes, 8-well Strips, Clear125 / Pk1250 / CsCorning®3.54per case 
3742Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD PCR 1 x 8 Optically Clear Flat Cap Strips, for RT-PCR125 / Pk1250 / CsCorning® per case 
3743Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD PCR 1 x 8 Cap Strips, Domed, Clear125 / Pk1250 / CsCorning® per case 
3748Corning® Thermowell™ GOLD PCR 1 x 8 Cap Strips, Domed, Assorted Colors125 / Pk1250 / CsCorning® per case 
65420.2 mL Clear Polypropylene PCR Tubes, 8-well Strips60 / Pk300 / CsCorning® per case 
65470.2 mL Polypropylene PCR Tubes, Assorted Colors, 8-well Strips60 / Pk300 / CsCorning® per case



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  • 대전광역시 대덕구 대화로69, 3층(대화동)
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