Corning®1536-well Standard Polystyrene Microplates and Low Base 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Corning
납기일 3-4일
판매가격 1,119,800원
포인트 0점(구매금액 : 0%)
배송비결제 3,500원   (주문금액 10만원 이상일시 배송비 무료)

선택된 옵션

  • Corning®1536-well Standard Polystyrene Microplates and Low Base (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Corning®1536-well Standard Polystyrene Microplates and Low Base

Corning 1536-well microplates are our highest density microplates available for high throughput screening. The microplates conform to standard microplate footprint and dimensions. These microplates are offered in solid black and white polystyrene, with round or flat bottoms, and in black-clear bottom formats.

  • Total well volume of 10 μL for round well microplates and 12.8 μL for flat bottom microplates
  • Recommended working volume up to 8 μL
  • Round well bottom for reduced air entrapment and improved CV values and Z factor
  • Raised well bottom for higher sensitivity
  • Flood reservoir on four sides to reduce instrument contamination
  • Lids are available separately. Corning lid (Cat. No. 3098) is compatible with these microplates.

Choose your specification




Surface Treatment

Well Bottom


Product NumberProduct NameQty./PkQty./CsBrandPriceUnit Size 
3549Corning® 1536 well Solid White Collagen Coated Polystyrene Microplate, without Lid, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3724Corning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®7.14per case 
3724BCCorning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®4.05per case 
3725Corning® 1536-well White Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®7.14per case 
3725BCCorning® 1536-well White Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®4.05per case 
3726Corning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®3.91per case 
3726BCCorning® 1536 well Solid Black TC Treated Polystyrene Microplate, with Generic Bar codes, with Lid, Sterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3727Corning® 1536-well White Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®6.23per case 
3727BCCorning® 1536-well White Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®9.12per case 
3728Corning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene NBS Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®6.89per case 
3728BCCorning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene NBS Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, With Generic Bar code, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®7.91per case 
3729Corning® 1536-well White Polystyrene NBS Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®6.89per case 
3729BCCorning® 1536-well White Polystyrene NBS Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®7.91per case 
3731BCCorning® 1536 well Solid White CellBIND Treated Flat Bottom Microplate, with Generic Bar codes, with Lid, Sterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3831Corning® 1536 well Black/Clear Bottom Not Treated Low Base Polystyrene Microplate, without Lid, Nonsterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3832Corning® 1536 well Black/Clear Bottom Tissue Culture treated Low Base Polystyrene Microplate, Sterile, with Lid, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3832BCCorning 1536 well Black/Clear Bottom CellBIND Treated Low Base Polystyrene Microplate, with Generic Barcode, with Lid, Sterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3833Corning® CellBIND® 1536-well Black/Clear Bottom, Low Base Polystyrene Smooth Top Microplate, 20 per Bag, without Lid, Sterile20 / Pk100 / CsCorning®8.50per case 
3835Corning® 1536-well Black, Clear Bottom, Low Base, Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 20 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile20 / Pk100 / CsCorning®8.03per case 
3836Corning® 1536-well Black/Clear Bottom Low base Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 20 per Bag, without Lid, Sterile20 / Pk100 / CsCorning®0.68per case 
3838Corning® 1536 well Black/Clear Flat Bottom TC-Treated Microplate, with Low Base, with Lid, Sterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3838BCCorning® 1536 well Black/Clear Bottom Tissue Culture Treated Polystyrene Microplate, with Generic Bar codes, with Lid, Sterile, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®N/Aper case 
3839BCCorning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Poly-D-Lysine Coated Polystyrene Microplate, with Generic Barcodes, with Lid, 50/case10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®4.90per case 
3891Corning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®1.96per case 
3891BCCorning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®3.21per case 
3893Corning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®2.70per case 
3893BCCorning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, With Generic Bar Code, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®6.34per case 
3895Corning® 1536-well Black/Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene NBS Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®8.34per case 
3936Corning® 10 µL 1536-well Black Round Bottom Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®1.45per case 
3937Corning® 10 µL 1536-well White Round Bottom Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®4.08per case 
7246Corning® 1536-well Black High Base Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®2.27per case 
7247Corning® 1536-well White, High Base, Polystyrene Not Treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Nonsterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®2.27per case 
7248Corning® 1536-well Black Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, with Lid, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®2.16per case 
7249Corning® 1536-well White High Base Polystyrene TC-treated Microplate, 10 per Bag, without Lid, Sterile10 / Pk50 / CsCorning®2.16per case



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